The Monument To Suvorov Photo: The Monument To Suvorov

A list of the exploits of the famous Russian commander Alexander Suvorov is so great that rare people are able to remember. But his crossing the Alps heard everything. This was in 1799, when the Russian army defeated the French troops, and it became possible only thanks to strategic talent Suvorov.

In particular, no one has suggested that such a huge army will be able to go where the roads are, in principle, no. A crucial battle took place in the area of so-called Bloody bridge, it has determined the course of future battles and the victory of Russian troops. Neither inclement weather nor the lack of food and normal clothes did not break the spirit of the army.

According to statistics, the French army lost about 5,000 soldiers and more than a thousand were taken prisoners, casualties among Russian troops amounted to 650 people. Suvorov is not just brought soldiers from the environment, but brought them winners.

The centenary of this great event in 1899, the Imperial government asked Switzerland for permission to install the monument to Generalissimo, and the most appropriate place for him felt the gorge at devil's bridge.

Carved into the rock of a stone cross is a special tribute to the memory of the great commander, as well as the victims and survivors of this terrible battle soldiers. Currently the rock with the monument and the road leading to them are owned by the Russian Federation.

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