The Town Hall Of Arles Photo: The Town Hall Of Arles

The town hall in Arles is located on Republic square, opposite the Cathedral of St. trophime. The construction of the town hall began in the mid-seventeenth century and was completed in 1676. The work was carried out nearly two decades, and as the construction site was selected on which was located the House of communes of the earlier buildings.

Under the decision of members of city Council city hall building is located between the Palace of the Podesta and the Clock tower. The Palace was built in the XIII century and is considered the oldest in the city building of local government. In it and now hosts the offices of municipal officials. The clock tower was built in the middle of the XVI century in the typical Renaissance style and is now seen as part of the building of the town hall, despite another stylistic decision itself, the town hall was erected in the traditions of classicism.

One of the supervisors for the construction of the town hall was the architect, Jules Hardouin-Mansart, the court architect of Louis XIV. By the way, the Hardouin-Mansart the grandson of another architect, Francois Mansart, who invented "Mansurova" roof of the attic or simply.

The town hall is a three-storey Palace, decorated with columns and pediment with the image of the sun – the symbol of king Louis XIV. The sculptures in the interior of the town hall were created by local sculptor Jean Didier (such as stone lions on the stairs of Honor), other elements were performed by several artists. Interior decoration of the building of the town hall were partially decorated during the great French revolution, however, some elements (wood-panel XVIII century), is preserved.

Under the town hall building are criptoportico – underground gallery with arched spans that were built probably by the Romans. Part of the underground galleries was used as a prison.

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