Military-historical Museum of the red banner far Eastern military district Photo: Military-historical Museum of the red banner far Eastern military district

Military-historical Museum of the red banner far Eastern military district is located on the banks of the Amur river in an old building which is a monument of architecture. The Museum building was erected in 1907 by the Author of this project were made by the engineer-Colonel Moore Vladimir Grigorevich.

Until 1930, this building housed the State Bank. After it housed the military institution. In the period of the Japanese war in this building was the headquarters of the Second far Eastern front, as evidenced by strengthened commemorative plaque, which is dedicated to Marshal Vasilevsky. At the ceremonial opening of the Museum that took place in may 1984, was attended by the commander of the district T. I. M. and a member of the military Council of the K. N. Fadeevich.

In the exposition of the Military historical Museum presents more than 12 thousand exhibits, which are connected with the history of the red banner far Eastern military district since its founding to the present. The Museum consists of 13 halls, exhibition area of 3013 sq. m. In the courtyard there is a viewing platform of military equipment. The Museum exposition is arranged in historical and chronological order, regularly updated and supplemented.

The first exposition tells about the time development of the far Eastern lands, as well as about the peculiarities of the armed protection of the region before the revolution in 1917, the Second reflects the Civil war 1918-1922 G. with respect to the third exposure, it is dedicated to the natives of the far Eastern district, who participated in the great Patriotic war. Special attention of the visitors enjoyed a collection of banners.
The latest exhibition tells about modern troops and armaments in the region.

In addition to the Military-historical Museum you can find many kinds of domestic and foreign weapons and firearms, medals, orders, some types of equipment and uniforms, as well as samples of military equipment.

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Military-historical Museum of the red banner far Eastern military district
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