The upper Church Photo: the Upper Church

The upper Church, which is called the parish Church of the virgin Mary, is located 600 metres from the Old town hall on the hill Kaulberg in Bamberg. The first mention of the parish dates back to the year 1140, but plans to build a temple here appeared only in the late thirteenth century. The construction of the stone Church began in 1338, and was consecrated in 1387.

The Upper bell tower of the Church was used as a lookout tower. Given that the watchman was required somewhere to sleep, between 1537 1538 over this tower was built a special house to live in. He became quite dramatically stand out in their appearance from the General Gothic style. Despite this, the tower has become an architectural symbol of Bamberg.

One of the memorable sights of the Upper parish Church is considered "the Portal of the bride, wedding gates, that they must have a bride. Earlier this gate was the place where the priest blessed the marriage. This portal is decorated with sculptures depicting the parable from the Bible about the ten virgins near the gate of Paradise. And in the Central part of the arch depicts the coronation of the virgin.

In the XVIII century the Church interior was restored in the Baroque style, its columns were decorated with figures of the apostles. In addition to the Central altar in the temple built six additional altars, as the Church had taken quite a large number of pilgrims. Near the room for communion you can see the Gothic image of Anne mother of the virgin Mary. Visitors can see in the aisle picture, authored by the Venetian painter Tintoretto, it depicts the ascension of Mary.

Currently Top of the Church is the main Church of the Catholic community of the city.

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The upper Church
The Church Of St. Martin
Town Hall Of Bamberg
Carmelite monastery of Bamberg
Old Residence Of Viola Hopalong
New Episcopal residence
Bamberg Cathedral
The Church Of St. Jacob
Villa Concordia
The Church Of St. Stephen