The monument balalaika Photo: Monument balalaika

The monument balalaika in Bezhetsk was installed on September 23, 2011 at the beginning of the Linden alley. This event was timed to the 150th anniversary since the birth of the outstanding musician, native, V. V. Andreev, who revealed to the world the balalaika – traditional Russian musical instrument, thanks to which it became the unofficial symbol of Russia. It is in Bezhetsk land from V. Andreev had the idea of improvement of the Russian balalaika.

It is from Bezhetsk balalaika began its triumphal March across the expanses of Russia and abroad. Bezhetsk balalaika whole world applauded. Therefore, berechne, rightly, proud of its outstanding history and famous compatriots.

The monument was erected with funds allocated from the local budget of the city administration and sponsorship of the Raft tour." The idea to set in Bezhetsk monument balalaika belongs to Irina Solovieva, who directs the Bezhetsk travel company "Raft tour." The idea was fully supported by district authorities, and within six months all the organizational issues were settled. The production of the monument of wood was engaged in Tutaev (Yaroslavl region) masters of woodcarving: Alexey Gridnev and Ilya Maslov.

Solemn ceremony of opening the monument of the balalaika was opened with the theatrical performance of the national theatre "Jokers" (Director-producer Nina Gorev). At the opening of the monument in Bezhetsk attended by numerous guests, among whom were representatives of the Association of tourism, the tourism Committee of the Tver region. Held in the framework of celebrations round table they discussed the importance of balalaika in the history of Russian culture in General and Bezhetsk land in particular and development in the Bezhetsk tourist area called "Bezhetsk Top".

The celebration ended with a concert, which was attended by artists from Yaroslavl, Moscow, Bezhetsk, Dimitrov and other cities and sounded Russian folk, ethnic and folk instrumental music.

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