Castle Park Photo: Castle Park

Bristol castle, built by order of William the Conqueror, for centuries protected the city. For the first time in written sources, the castle is mentioned in 1088. Then it was a wooden fortress, but soon the castle was rebuilt in stone. High walls and towers, the most modern building, good location of the castle between the two rivers made it impregnable. The castle played a significant role in the wars for the throne of England after the death of Henry I. it contained a noble captives and hostages.

However, already in the middle of the XVI century, the castle starts to collapse, but the city government had nothing to do with the castle, which was owned by a king, and the castle becomes a refuge for lawbreakers. In 1656 by order of Oliver Cromwell, the castle was demolished.

Now, the castle is a Park called Castle Park. In some places in the Park are still visible the ruins of a castle.

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