The Settlement Dzhuketau Photo: The Town Of Guttau

On the Western outskirts of the city of Chistopol are the remains of the ancient city of the Volga Bulgaria, founded in the tenth century. The name of the missing Bulgarian town - dzhuketau located on the left Bank of the Kama river, translated from Tatar as "Fake Mountain".

In the pre-Mongolian time dzhuketau performed the role of the East gate of the Volga Bulgaria and was a significant economic and cultural centre of the Lower Kama region. Originally the settlement originated as a feudal castle or a military fortress, but after a few centuries became the center Caketestcase Principality. In 1236 dzhuketau were raided from the armies of Batu Khan in the 14th-15th centuries it was repeatedly devastated by Russian ushkuynik troops and Yuri Zvenigorodsky, until I finally was abandoned.

Archaeological complex dzhuketau in our days is a historically interconnected archaeological sites: the ancient settlement, Donauworth and Krutogorie settlement and necropolises. The center of the settlement dzhuketau located at 0, 3 kilometers West of the village of Steep Mountain on a twenty meter hill with steep slopes on the banks of the Kama. From the South-East and East sides of the visible remains of the fortifications in the form of three ramparts and two intermediate trenches, about two meters in depth. Size Guitarsolo settlement about six hectares. Here are preserved the fragments of Bulgar buildings and mounds of the pre-Mongol period.

The archaeological site with the sanctuary dzhuketau is among the five largest cultural and economic centers of the Volga Bulgaria, along with such towns as Bilyar, Elabuga, Bulgarian and Northern Outpost Bulgar - Kazan Kremlin.

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