The Church of the blessed virgin Mary outside the city wall Photo: Church of the blessed virgin Mary outside the city wall

The Church of the blessed virgin Mary outside the city wall - the Catholic Church in Cologne. Such a peculiar name derives due to the fact that the location was outside the city walls, near the tower called Unreport.

The history of the Church of the blessed virgin Mary outside the city wall is closely linked to the Carmelite friars and nuns. The city later became the place of refuge of many of the Carmelites, which ran in the period of the Thirty years war in the Netherlands.

Due to the fact that the number of monks has increased rapidly, they decided to build a monastery near the city walls. And the architect of the future temple was tasked to the building resembled his appearance in the Church of the gesù in Rome. In this period of time in Cologne came a large number of talented artists from France, it is planned to attract for future construction.

The first stone of the monastery was founded in 1642, is a significant action to be carried out in the presence of the Archbishop of the city of Ferdinand of Bavaria. Unfortunately, the construction was stopped because of lack of funds and he was able to resume only in the late seventeenth century. The Church of the blessed virgin Mary outside the city wall was erected in 1716.

Over time the Church was expecting a lot of changes. In the period of the Second world war the building was badly damaged, from the interior and the interior did not have any details. Restoration work ended in 1964, as a result, the structure has acquired its original features.

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