Tower Bottle Photo: The Tower Bottle

Balmullo is one of the many towers that were built in Cologne in the middle Ages. Wall erected around the city, included more than fifty towers and 12 gates, because Cologne was considered well protected fortress. Tower Bottle was built in the period of one of the extensions of the city, it is near the equally famous tower Biencourt and the gate of St. Severin. Until the early 16th century in its place was a wooden mill, which was called the Goat. It is known that the architect of this structure was Peter von Glaiel.

Very soon the tree was decided to replace the stone. Architect Alessandro Pasqualini started in 1677, and a year later in Cologne there is a new mill, successfully combining local basalt and tuff. It is noteworthy that the Italian worked in Cologne earlier, creating defenses.

In the course of construction in the 16th century the tower had to expand to fit the width of the city wall. Initially the building was crowned with a beautiful conical roof, but soon it was rebuilt, giving it a flat shape. Being part of Europe's best defensive complex – and it is known that Cologne have won this competition even at Paris in 1835, the tower was sold into private ownership.

In the early 20th century, and more precisely, in 1911, the tower Bottle again came to the city, and it was posted in one of the offices. The history of its use and remembers the headquarters of the youth movement – the famous Doychin Windshaft, who in the early 70-ies was replaced by the Socialist youth Union "Sokol".

Today the tower is a real jewel of the middle Ages, has retained its style and beauty. It should be noted that the structure practically has not suffered in the course of numerous wars, because the tower as a landmark.

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