Gora Dombay-Ulgen Photo: Mount Dombay-Ulgen

Gora Dombay-Ulgen is the highest, majestic and beautiful top of the Western Caucasus. The height of the mountain - 4046 m above sea level. Gora Dombay – the highest point of the Watershed of the greater Caucasus mountain range and is located to the East of the resort village Dombay on the border of Abkhazia and Karachay-Cherkess Republic in the origins of the Teberda river. The mountain is the highest point in Abkhazia.

The top of the mountain is covered with glaciers and eternal snows, composed of granites, schists and gneisses. In the language of the indigenous inhabitants the name of mount Dombay-Ulgen means "the place where was killed the bison." Rocky and powerful array of Dombai-Ulgen consists of three gray vertices: main (4045 m), East (3950 m) and Western (4036 m), which paint a stark silhouette of a large "bison", lost among thick Caucasian forests and cold rocks.

The most scenic views of Dombai-Ulgen opens with the famous Dombai glade, located at 1650 m above sea level and formed at the junction of three canyons: Dombai-Alibek, Dombay-Elena and Amanauz.

All year round thousands of tourists and climbers come to admire the picturesque landscapes, among which is the symbol of the Caucasus. Glaciers slopes, merging into the blue sky, bright green carpets of Alpine meadows, turquoise lakes, rushing waterfalls, pure air and mineral springs, which heal the body and soul, attracted by its pristine, bewitching anyone who at least once able to be here.

Around mount Dombay-Ulgen there are many tourist routes. From the main peak to the North there is a steep ridge that goes into lowering called "Dombai saddle". Here up is the most common way to the top. Climbing to the top is impossible without thorough preparation and a serious approach.

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