Irakli Photo: Irakli

Protected area Irakli, total area of 42, 3 hectares, is located to the North of the village of Emona, near the town of Obzor. Secured territory consists of land from the post of the public movement “Green patrols” to Cape Emine. Unique clean beach, with virtually no stones with a length of about 3 km is one of the causes of attention of environmental organizations to Irakli.

The area was declared protected in may 1994, including for the purpose of preservation of rare and endangered species of plants (Euphorbia, Tartar lettuce, seaside betony, marine pancrazi, seaside-brand), as well as birds.

Many plants are distributed on the territory of Bulgaria, in particular in Irakli, is listed in regional Red data book and are under the protection of the Law on biodiversity. Order on this unique earth should be employees of the State of hunting.

The period from June to September in Irakli is considered the most attractive for tourists and travelers.

Traditional festival “July morning”, held each year on 1 July in the area, attracts large number of tourists. According to tradition, everyone gather on the beach that day to see the sunrise. Mostly, these are young people who want to get in touch with wild nature and to enjoy the local beauty.

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