Twelve Islands Photo: the Twelve Islands

Visiting the many attractions of Fethiye and its environs, every traveler must visit twelve Islands. This can be done taking a guided tour on the ship or hire a motor boat to explore the cosy coves. The trip will allow you to enjoy the magnificent nature and get a lot of pleasure from swimming in beautiful bays. All twelve Islands of different sizes, have wonderful sandy and pebble deserted beaches and forested. Gliding along the shore, a boat will stop near the stone remnants of the shipyards, where before repairs were made pirate ships and will provide an opportunity to plunge into the cool waters of the many bays.

Usually the first or last stop happens on Knight island, located in Fethiye. In ancient times this island was used by the Rhodes knights for defense, and therefore received a name. Indeed, while there, understand that it is the ideal place for a sentry post. Now on the island there is a small settlement, there is a cafe, a hotel and several cottages. Between the island and the mainland boats-buses.

The next course is sure to be the island Kizilada (Red island). Island its name was due to interesting optical effect - coastal shingle and sand in the afternoon sun appear reddish. The only building on the island - quite old lighthouse. The Eastern part of the island is closed from winds and is a perfect place for swimming.

To the North-West of the red island is Deliktas, which consists of several closely spaced small Islands. Snorkellers just love these places. Under water this place is much prettier than above it.

The following cluster of Islands called Ascidia. Islets are only four and they are so close to each other that each of them can easily be reached by swimming from nearby. The distance between the closest Islands only 12 meters. Their main attractions: sandy promontory stretching into the sea, and a cozy natural tiny size pool located on the largest island. If you want you can walk along the shore, but it is better to take for this sport shoes.

Island Satin is located to the North of the Islands of Ascidia and is privately owned. Here in Ottoman times was built a small factory for the production of olive oil, which operates to this day.

Tersane island is the largest island of the Bay. During the Ottoman Empire there lived Greeks, after their deportation to the island were only a few old houses and a Church. In addition, it is possible to view the ruins of the fortress. Before the small bays of the island was used for construction of ships, hence its second name - the island Shipyards. In the bays Yaz (summer) and Shoo (winter) often stop the boat, making pleasure cruises. There is so small Bay that may seem that this lake on the island. In the North-West of the island there is a Bay Tasyaka. Here the artist bedri Rahmi drew a fish on one of the rocks.

Domuz island for another island called Prince. Once it was inhabited by a large number of wild boars. The harbour of this island is protected from the wind, and here and drop ships to drop anchor. To the North of the island domuz Bay Geben. It has a very narrow entrance and is a long corridor, surrounded by olive and pine trees. If you disembark at the extreme point of the Bay, you can see ancient ruins and rock tombs. However, the boat, making daily trips, look down here very rarely.

No boat will not pass Hamam Bay. They come here for swimming and lunch, and sometimes even stop for overnight. Very close to the Marina are fragments of the walls of a Byzantine monastery. On the island you can take a pleasant stroll through the woods or along the shore. A great trip would be to climb a mountain, Yavansu, where are the ruins of the ancient city Lidi. In Hamam Cleopatra you can walk in waist high water on the muddy stones.

In the Bay of Cleopatra's baths, surrounded by a pine forest, a very beautiful dark blue color of the water, places passing into light blue. The Bay is quite large, and it was named so because of the Roman baths, donated by Queen Cleopatra of her close friends. They discovered a hot underwater spring in this part of the Bay. The water here is very good for the skin, contains many useful minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Perhaps these amazing shore were included in the offering that ally and lover Anthony did Cleopatra, giving rich region of Crete and Cilicia.

Opposite the town of Gocek is a group of Islands that are very close to each other. In the middle of the long sandy part of the largest island of this group is a salt lake. From the biggest island to the smallest you can get on the elevation, the depth here is only half a meter.

The trip along the twelve Islands of the Bay is sure to be extremely romantic and informative. Islands and tiny islets, coves and green shore, balmy air and Turkish music accompanying You on this trip, creates a feeling of fairy tales and will long remain in Your memory.

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