The Palace Of Khreptovichs Photo: The Palace Of Khreptovichs

The Palace of khreptovichs in Grodno was built in 1742-1752 years. The khreptovichs famous old magnate born Grand Duchy of Lithuania. They owned vast estates. The Palace in Grodno was built specifically for Grodno Marshal Karol Hreptovich – statesman, politician, bureaucrat, contributor Barsky conference 1768.

The kind of khreptovichs Palace moved to Grodno great reformer, educator and policy Antoninus Tyzenhaus. Antoni tyzenhaus has introduced a number of useful for urban and public Economics reforms, built a factory and established production on them. Under him, the Palace has undergone several changes, becoming more modern and comfortable. After tizengauza the Palace was owned by the representatives of the families Muchinsky and Legnicka.

The Palace was rebuilt many times and rebuilt after fires and wars. Its layout is almost lost, but unchanged until the present day has reached the original facade and decor of the facade.

Outside the Castle, the Palace of khreptovichs only the main facade with the entrance arch. The facade is decorated with the knight's coat of arms, above the arch is the coat of arms of the city of Grodno stag of Saint Hubert. Beyond the arch is a stone-paved courtyard.

Most recently was the complete restoration of the Palace. Modern technology has allowed more relief to draw all the sophisticated décor of the building. The patio is newly paved with cobblestones in the courtyard there was a fountain and comfortable benches. Re was marble entrance stairway.

Since 1992 at the Palace of khreptovichs is a Museum of the history of religion.

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