Esplanade Park Photo: Esplanade Park

Esplanade Park is located between two streets - North and South esplanades. It is Engel was included in the town plan this Park in 1812, and he gave Espa, as the locals call this green oasis, the elegance that has made him not only a place of rest, but the sight of the city.

At the beginning of the Park is the restaurant Kappeli, built in 1867 and was rebuilt many times. In summer on the open stage hosts daily performances.

In the center of the Esplanadi, a sculpture of Finland's national poet, the author of the text of the national anthem of the country.L. Runeberg, made by the poet's son Walter Runeberg. The monument was inaugurated in 1885, ten years after the poet's death.

In the Eastern end of the Esplanade Park is a fountain, decorated with a bronze figure of a girl. When in 1908 at the opening of a fountain with girl fell bedspreads, respectable Helsinki residents were shocked. Now Nude Havis Amanda (translated from Swedish means "sea nymph"), the work of the sculptor Villa Walgren, is the decoration of the Park and no one is confusing.

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