Nature trail PlateRite Photo: Nature trail PlateRite

Nature trail Plateroti ("Crossroads of four roads") is located in the Northern part of the kõpu Peninsula, in the forest, 1 km from the village Magiya. The route length is 6, 4 km

The route takes about 1 hour. In the dry season you can walk along the trail without rubber shoes. The route is equipped with information boards: 2 large and 8 small. There are wooden arrows and blue ribbons pointing in the right direction. To lift the boulder Magiya ladder is present. All routes meet walkways, wooden decks, there are 2 viewing platforms.

The trail crosses the Northern coast of the kõpu Peninsula, passes through forest, which stretches between the coastal escarpment, which is about 8000 years and the present shore.

Under the coastal escarpment is swamp Maradeo, the name of which many legends. On route you will see the tees, which were "inherited" from a warmer climatic period. Given a tree protected by the state.

In addition, you will find boulders that were deposited here during the ice age: the boulder Janique, located on the shores of Curasao and boulder Magii.

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