Ethnographic Museum in the village of Old-Zelezara Photo: Ethnographic Museum in the village of Old-Zelezara

Ethnographic Museum in the village of Old-Zelezara (12 km from the town of Hissarya) is located in a beautiful building in the style of the Renaissance architecture. The space in the Museum is divided into several thematic sections, the most important and interesting of which are the "Bread" and "Wedding". Through several major Bulgarian symbols can be traced especially to the life and history of the local population.

In designated halls of the Museum visitors can use crushed red pepper and other spices, cook staroseletskiy salt. Or try to work for the spindle in the Museum's "Home occupation". A rich collection of authentic costumes reveals the peculiarities of local color (including Thracian). Here you can see the amulets and inscriptions of spells that were used during ancient magical rites and rituals. Among the exhibits of the Museum are also craft tools and various items, which are the result of the work of local artists.

The display in this small but cozy Museum, will introduce guests to the village Old-Zelezara with the national peculiarities of everyday life, culture of the inhabitants of this region.

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