The memorial complex Photo: the Memorial complex "Flower of life"

In the Leningrad region, near the Vsevolzhsk, on the 3 kilometer Road of life, is opened in 1968, the memorial, called "Flower of life". It is dedicated to children who died during the siege of Leningrad.

The monument is a complex consisting of three parts: a 15-metre flower, made by the sculptor P. Melnikov, alley of Friendship (architect A. Levenkov) and mound with eight stelae pages, symbolizing the entry of diary-Notepad Tanya Savicheva (architects M. Coman, G. Fetisov, A. Levenkov).

On the petals of stone chamomile depicts the boy's face, who smiles, and words of the nursery rhyme "May there always be sunshine". Nearby there is a plate on which is written "In the name of life and against the war. Children – young heroes of Leningrad 1941-1944". "Flower" was opened in 1968.

Around the monument there are 900 birch, 1-th tree, symbolizing every day of the blockade. In January days still on birches can be seen scarlet ties.

The alley of friendship connects the "Flower of life" and the funeral mound. On stelae, which are located along the alley, tells of the heroism of the children of the defenders of Leningrad. Immortalize the names of the pioneer Heroes of the USSR and holders of high state awards and deeds they committed.

Special attention is drawn to the "pages" from the diary of Tanya Savicheva. This diary has become a symbol of the siege of Leningrad. This miniature note-book was presented at the Nuremberg trials as a document that accuses fascism.

Tanya Savicheva was born 23 January 1930, during the siege, she recorded in a notebook, to get her sister Nina, date and time of death. Tanya was born in the family of Nikolay Rodionovich and Mary I. Savichev. During the NEP father Thani owned by a private cooperative, where he worked with his wife and brothers Alex, Basil and Dmitry. Tanya was the youngest child. She had older sisters Eugene and Nina and the brothers Leonid and Misha. With the ban of the NEP family was exiled from the city. Some time later, Nicholas Radinovic died. Later the widow with children was allowed to return to Leningrad.

Maria Ignatyevna was a seamstress. Older sisters and brothers Thani to the beginning of the war he held the common working positions, the sisters worked at an engineering plant. Lenin, Leonid (Leca) has mastered the profession of a planer in the engineering production, Misha worked as fitter.

In 1941, the family Savichev – mother, grandmother Evdokia G. Fedorov, children – lived on Vasilievsky island. In the same building, one floor up, lived and brothers Tanya's father: Vasily and Alexei. Dmitry died before the war. Jack was already married and lived on moss. The relationship the couple has not evolved, but back home she never returned.

Tanya moved to the 4th class of the school № 35 on the current Cadet line. When I announced the beginning of the war, the family Savichev decided to stay in town. Leonid due to weak vision got a white ticket and continued to work at the factory. Uncle Basil, which was especially friendly Tanya, tried to enlist in the militia, but he refused because of his age – he was 71 years old. Sister Nina together with his colleagues dug trenches in Kolpino, Fishing, Shushary, was on duty at the post aerial surveillance. Secret from households Zhenya donate blood. Maria Ignatyevna sewed military uniforms. Tanya together with other children was purified attics, raised incendiary bottles glassware. Misha, before the announcement of the outbreak of war, were out of town. He has not made itself felt and they thought he was dead. He survived, fought as a partisan.

First at the age of 32 died Zhenya. Because transportation is not worked, the day she was held prior to 7 km. Worked in 2 shifts. She died at work. Then Tanya and made the first sorrowful line in Notepad: "Jack died 28 December at 12.30 a.m., 1941"

In January my grandmother Evdokia was diagnosed with third degree malnutrition. She died 2 days after Tanya's birthday. In Notepad there is a new record: "my Grandmother died 25 Jan. 3 p.m. 1942"

One day in February 1942, Nina did not return home. This coincided with the shelling, and it felt dead. Nina came under emergency evacuation together with the factory where he worked. The home news she could not pass. Nina was still alive.

Leonid actually lived at the factory. He worked day and night. I went home very rarely. He died at the age of 24 from malnutrition in the hospital at the factory. In Notepad Tanya wrote: "Leka died on March 17 at 5 a.m. in 1942"

Following in the family died favorite uncle Tanya – Basil. In the diary entry appeared: "Uncle Vasya died on 13 APR 2 hours a night 1942" Uncle Alex died at age 71 from malnutrition of the third degree. Tanya in the diary wrote: "Uncle Alex may 10 at 4 h day of 1942". After 3 days, then died Maria Ignatyevna. Tanya writes: "Mother, may 13, at 7: 30 a.m., 1942". Next in the diary she made the last three entries, completing a diary with the words: "... died... ".

At first Tanya helped neighbors, then she went to visit her cousin grandmother – aunt Dusya, who later sent her to the orphanage in the evacuation. Tanya died at the age of 14 to progressive malnutrition, scurvy, bone tuberculosis and intestinal tuberculosis in the infectious diseases unit Shatkovsky district hospital on the first day of July 1944

I can add description

The memorial complex "Flower of life"
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