Museum-estate Photo: Museum-estate "Lopasnya-Conception"

"Lopasnya-Conception" is a manor families Vasilchikov, Lansky, Pushkin, Goncharov. After the death of Alexander Pushkin and his wife Natalia often together with children visited the estate Vasilchikov in the Lopasnya. Second husband of Natalya Nikolaevna, Petr Lansky, was a close relative Vasilchikov. In the Lopasnya lived three sisters Lansky: Mary (who was married to a General Nikolay Ivanovich Vasilchikov), Elizabeth and Natalie. Together with children Vasilchikov grew Sofia Aleksandrovna Pushkina. After her death in 1875, nine children Pushkins was also brought up in the house Vasilchikov. He lived in the Lopasnya and Alexander Aleksandrovich, member Russoturkish war of 1877-1878. Loved to be in the Lopasnya and eldest daughter of A. S. Pushkin Maria.

From the architectural complex of the estate survived the home and the Church, erected in A. S. and S. L. Vasilchikov, respectively. The house, Dating from 1770 year, belongs to the Elizabethan Baroque style. Originally one storey, on a high basement, he, in the early nineteenth century, was built mezzanines. Its Windows decorated with carved frames.

Next to the Church of the Conception of St. Anne is a family cemetery of the Pushkins. In it are buried the descendants of Alexander: his eldest son, A. A. Pushkin, grandchildren, G. A. and S. A. Pushkins, granddaughter of the poet through the female line S. P. Vorontsov-Velyaminov.

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Museum-estate "Lopasnya-Conception"