The Kiev-Nikolaev Novodevichy convent Photo: the Kiev-Nikolaev Novodevichy convent

In the historical centre of the city of Alatyr, on the picturesque Bank of the Sura river is a complex of buildings of the Kiev-Nikolaev Novodevichy convent, founded in 1639.

The history of the monastery began with the arrival of abbess Ladin Polozkova monastery with Elizabeth 52 nuns from Kiev to the city of Alatyr for the device of the Novodevichy convent. Since its founding the convent enjoyed the special grace of Russian Queens and kings. In 1899, in the historical essay Krasouski were described sent by Royal gifts and a personal visit to the monastery by Royal persons. Only Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov were donated to the monastery bells, liturgical books, icons, backwater Oxbow on the river Sura, mill place and much more.

After the fire in 1667, the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the money was allocated for the construction of a new complex of buildings. Empress Catherine the Second, for having granted the monastery a visit in June 1767, granted the monastery of the robe, air (decoration) and a belt of white silk cloth with flowers. Each granted things was embroidered monogram of the Empress. Subsequent Russian emperors Paul I and Alexander p. endows the monastery of arable land (30 acres), country estate (150 acres), and other holdings. The most expensive Church utensils of the monastery were the gift of the Empress Maria Feodorovna - altar of gilded silver cross, studded with rhinestones and other precious stones, total weight was 164 of the spool, and promoted to Duchess Elena Pavlovna gold plated chalice with accessories, weighing in at 212 spools.

In our days the architectural complex of the monastery consists of restored buildings: the gate Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (1737 construction), near ascension Church (1753), the Church of the Holy virgin with an attached chapel in honor of Dmitry of Rostov (1760), commercial and residential buildings. The monastery is fenced with an old stone wall with corner towers.

The whole architectural ensemble of Kiev-Nikolaev Novodevichy monastery in Baroque style, is a monument of history and architecture of the eighteenth century.

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The Kiev-Nikolaev Novodevichy convent
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