Reserve Photo: Reserve "Vyborg"

In the Leningrad region, 10 km from the city of Primorsk is a group of Islands and the Peninsula of Cyberart. Beautiful nature is preserved here intact, giving in 1976 the territory of the status of comprehensive State natural reserve. Its area – 11295 hectares, more than half of which is the Gulf of Finland. The task of creation of the reserve "Vyborg" – protection of landscape areas, conservation areas coastal vegetation and unique species of plants and rare animals, Peninsula Cyberart.

The reserve is famous for its berry places. In the pine-wood there is a lot of strawberries, cranberries, blueberries. In the lowlands swamps can be found with various kinds of rare mosses and lichens. Among the unique plants amfiatlantic kind of voskovnika marsh.

The territory is covered with forests of Linden, oak, ash. The reserve is a place free from trees and shrubs, this is meadows, sandy shores, where I often love to entertain tourists. With spinning or bait they threw the fish on the hunt different fish, which here remains to spawn: walleye, bream, whitefish, Baltic herring, smelt, perch, eel. It happens here and Baltic cod, garfish, Pinegar. From amphibians live here crested newt, and of such species as the reptile was prescribed too ordinary.

In spring you will see a massive Parking lot waterfowl. In shallow water stop migrating swans whooper Swan and tundra, mergansers, dabbling and diving ducks, geese, black and Barnacle goose, various species of sandpipers, gulls, common crane and other birds. In the fall, we stop to rest and feed land birds: pigeons (pigeon, stock pigeon), woodpeckers, owls. Live here and several species of bats, especially reaches a peak during spring and autumn migration. For permanent nesting chose Vyborg reserve Oystercatcher, ruddy Turnstone, common Redshank, Scaup, black Brant, polar, black and little terns, sea gull, Dunlin, black -.

Rolling hills – beautiful. Here found valuable rocks, on some Islands the rocks consist of granite, the locals gave them a beautiful name – seligi.

For fans to enjoy a variety of fauna and flora of the forest's entrance here is always open. In the picturesque corners of nature tourists, among them entire families, a lot of fishermen. For lovers of travel by water bodies have special tourist route. From the ship, guests can enjoy the natural areas of the Gulf of Finland on the Karelian isthmus. However, there are limitations in the sanctuary that can't be broken. It is forbidden here to collect birch SAP, mushrooms, fruits, berries, harvest the bark, medicinal raw materials for industrial purposes. You cannot make a mess, to arrange an illegal dump site, Parking in the wrong place, campfires in Africa. It is also prohibited to hunt in the spring for game birds, the use of traps is completely excluded.

However, there are always fans to violate environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, and the poachers looked after tidbit fauna of the natural complex. Therefore, Leningrad security institution "Cancer of the lake" strictly following the procedure. Well, guests who abides by the rules established in the sanctuary of the environmental Committee of the Northern capital and the country's laws, there is always waiting. To reach the reserve "Vyborg" is possible by car, bus or train from Saint-Petersburg to the metro Pribylova. Then arranged transport to the Peninsula of Cyberart and boats to the Islands.

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Reserve "Vyborg"
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