Kuvaev hospital Photo: Kuvaev hospital

Kuvaev hospital is located in the North-West of the city. She occupies at the intersection of Frolov and Ermak. Is a monument of architecture, executed in brick style.

The hospital complex plot has a rectangular shape that is elongated from North to South. All buildings erected in 1909-1910 by the project of architect S. V. Napalkov. The hospital was built of industrialist N. G. Burylin and his wife, nee t-shirt, in memory of her parents.

The composition is based on the hospital complex is the principle of symmetry. Outside of Yermak the narrow side yard with two gates and a fence. Two one-storey buildings autoclave and the guard forming the outer side of the hospital complex. Behind the main building is the kitchen building. On the perimeter in the heart of the site are house doctors, chapel mortuary, bath-Laundry.

The main building has two floors, in plan it resembles the letter "W". Its main facade it goes out of Ermak. The Central part of the building and the flanks are. The lower part of the building is enhanced by horizontal articulation. The blades on the ground floor – rusderevnya, and on the top they are decorated with a multi-layered slouchy shaped bricks in the form of turrets. The framing of the ground floor Windows are combined in the upper part of the wide belt. Second floor window with arched pediments, which look much easier, show up on their background heavy archivolt of Windows in the form of arches on the flanks of the Central projection. The composition is completed with attic with a triangular gable on the Central facade of the axis, where the entrance to the building. Yard and side facades have the same elements. In the Central risalit of the courtyard facade was previously hospital Church.

The layout of the building on all floors – the same: along the street façade located in the chamber, yard along the corridors.

House doctors is a rectangular two-storey building. It is located on the West side of the site. The design of the street facade of the house doctors, to a greater extent reproduces the lateral facade of the main building. The inner façade is executed in a different rhythm: the four Central axes of the four visor in a row. At the end facades to five axes Windows. Previously the building housed the apartments of doctors. Here today – medical building.

Building kitchen building has a Central volume with two floors, which are covered with a pyramidal roof. The ends adjoin 1-storey double-height volumes of services. All together they form a composition in the form of an elongated rectangle. At the corners of the volumes are wide blades, openings – arched lintels with keystones. The entrances to the kitchen building is located on the South facade and in each wing. The North facade has two symmetrical input aperture. On the second floor of the building, most likely housed the apartments of the staff.

Bath-Laundry costs along the Eastern boundary of the site. The composition of the building is similar to the kitchen Cabinet. The Central part of the Western façade has a three-axis apertures and four axis on the wings. East facade – deaf. Rectangular openings decorated with bow-wedding, made the fan clutch. In the interior of the Central part is located stairwell on all floors is located on one premise. In the wings are located on two premises.

Chapel-mortuary represents a rectangular building facing South and West facades of the courtyard. The decor of the building is concise and includes a corner of the scapula, complete semi-circular openings and sill belt. The entrance is decorated with an umbrella, similar to other buildings of the hospital complex.

Autoclave or the utility building – plan l-shaped, one-story, narrow end facing the street. Autoclave with Carolina together form a symmetrical composition. This part of the building is decorated with stucco elements. Entrances are on the North and West facades.

Guardroom is a one story building with a pyramidal roof. It is located at the main gate in the corner of the plot. Deaf the façade of a building with a false overlooking the street Frolov. On the yard facade is a porch with a visor and one window. The remaining facades – with two Windows. The decor is similar with decoration service corps.

Street side of the site was fenced. The street Ermaka leave two gates, outside Frolov – one of the gates. The metal links of the fence are kept on a high red brick pillars. Pillars decorated with panels, cornices and have a hipped end. Gate posts – with larger eaves, triangular Gables on four sides and archivolt. Gates double-leaf, metal. On the sides of the gate – the gate. Figure lattices of spears, circles, volutes, vegetable curls.

Today the hospital called Ivanovo clinical hospital named Kuvaeva.

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Kuvaev hospital
House Kurbatova
The Estate Of A. N. Vitova
Transfiguration Cathedral
Assumption Church