The Town Hall Of Gouda Photo: The Town Hall Of Gouda

The historic city of Gouda has always attracted many tourists. Three hundred and fifty local attractions designated as a national monument. One of the main attractions – the old town hall.

Gouda received the status of town in 1272. In 1448-1450 G. the city hall was built. Now she is one of the oldest Gothic town halls and in General one of the oldest secular buildings in the Gothic style.

Town hall is located on the Market square, one of the largest market squares in Holland. How many hundreds of years ago, on the open market there is a lively trade, and on Thursdays cheese market works. Over the centuries the town hall many times altered and rebuilt. It was originally surrounded by a moat, which was filled in 1603. In the XVII century the town hall was built staircase leading into the building itself and to the balcony on the rear facade, which was used as the scaffold. The door from the building to the balcony appeared only in 1897, when Queen Wilhelmina was supposed to greet people from the balcony of the town hall – but she couldn't climb up the ladder like a criminal!

Traditionally, the criminal is convicted, left the building on the left stairs and follow the balcony around the building; acquitted out of the hall on the right stairs. Still newlyweds, married at the old town hall, we strongly suggest that you go the right stairs.

The statues that adorn the facade of the town hall, a relatively new and appeared in the 50-ies of XX century. In 60-ies of the town hall was decorated with a clock, which every hour played puppet show "Count Floris V leaves his castle to give Gouda Charter of the city."

The interior of the town hall are primarily from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Here you can see many paintings, drawings, sculpture. On the walls of city hall are the portraits of all the mayors of Gouda.

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The Town Hall Of Gouda