Vidova Gora Photo: Vidova Gora

Vidova Gora - the highest peak of the Adriatic Islands, its elevation is 778 feet above sea level. It was named in honour of the Holy, the Church of this Saint once stood on top of a hill, and now it remained only ruins. They are within eighty meters from the restaurant "Vidova Gora" - from the terrace you can see the foundations of the North wall and part of the semi-circular apse.

The Church was built in the 13th or 14th century, and in the stories about the island of brac is always mentioned Vidova Gora. It went to a lot of legends and told fantastic stories associated with ancient Slavic God Slavedom. By the way, the names of many places on the island of brac is of Slavic origin.

Long before the arrival of the Slavs in the lands of the Adriatic sea, on the hills of Species Illyrian Mountains, the inhabitants built a fortified city. The same which was built by the inhabitants of the Bone that was located behind Bol. They were built of discarded materials semblance of walls to protect themselves and cattle from the enemy. The remains of these walls can still be seen today.

The hill Vidova Mountain, where nowadays there are television antenna and a hotel with stone tables and benches, offering stunning views of the southern lands. Far below the visible vineyards and green plains bol that when the wind blows fluctuate exactly a gold cloth. For Hvar you can see the narrow channel that surrounds the fertile plains of the island and lies between the Old town from the West side and Vrboska of Jelsa on the East side, and ends the long gravel strip.

On a clear day with great views of the Mountain you can see the other Islands and mountains, which are located on the Peninsula of pelješac, korčula, Vis and Bisevo. If the day is cloudless, it becomes possible to see the peaks of the Apennines. In memory of the war at the top of the mountain erected a huge stone cross. In the winter, Vidova Gora mountain is often covered with snow so that the roads become impassable. If strong winds that blow the snow to the foot of the mountains, the inhabitants of the island have the opportunity to make walking and skiing.

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