Simansky Spaso-Kazan convent Photo: Simansky Spaso-Kazan convent

At the end of the 19th century in city Island, which is located 50 km from the city of Pskov, was established Simansky Spaso-Kazan convent. The founders of the monastery was an ancient genus Simansky, which belonged to the Moscow Patriarch Alexy I.

According to contemporaries, the Church looked especially beautiful and majestically against a backdrop of wooden buildings. The interior of the Church looked particularly long and was filled with light. In the Church managed to collect the most valuable icons, one of which was the icon of our lady of Kazan, which was acquired by residents after a flood in 1851, and the second is the miraculous icon of the Holy martyrs Laurus and Florus, which received recovery daughter Simansky Vladimir.

The priest Simansky Pavel Vladimirovich, who was the brother of the grandfather Alexius I, wished that after his death, he owns the family estate founded a monastery, for which funds were donated in 1896 in the amount of 15 thousand rubles; to the same attached piece of land for the erection of the temple.

One year later, namely on August 17, 1897, was held the solemn dedication of the newly built monastery of Pskov by Bishop Anthony. In the process of conducting the celebration was attended by St. John of Kronstadt, and his spiritual son gave father Paul, as well as the future Patriarch of All Russia Alexy I.

For the duration of the Saviour of the Kazan monastery were organized by the following institutions: hospice, parish school, homeopathic clinic, temperance society, school of needlework. Simansky convent actively participated in the process of philanthropy.

By the early 20th century when the monastery began construction of the Kazan Cathedral, which has two chapels, one of which is consecrated in the name of the Great Prince Vladimir, and the second in honour of the Holy Martyr Paul. Only finally to finish the building and failed, which was prevented by the Bolshevik persecution, in consequence of which the Church has just closed. During the period of Soviet atheism Simansky the monastery was defeated strongest the destruction of not only time, but also people. Residents of the nearby villages literally took apart the entire abode to the needs of their own farms, and ruined temples were just a disposal site.

One hundred years later, in fall 2003, according to the permission and blessing of the Bishop of Pskov and Velikoluksky Eusebius, for the new revival of the Holy Kazan monastery began its work of the parish community at the Church of our lady of Kazan. For the implementation process of gathering the sisters, as well as the gradual restoration of the monastery was called the nun Markell who have sufficient experience in such matters. In Kamchatka, on the basis of a dilapidated military unit Markell has opened a convent. A monastery in honor of the Kazan Mother of God was the first, where it never existed monasteries.

In April 2004, work began Mother Marcella. Were held global work: purification sheds destroyed from debris, and cleaning unnecessary buildings. Invaluable assistance in carrying out works, rendered the soldiers of the city of the Island, daily committing ourselves to the rebuilding of the temple. In the fall of 2004 began construction of a wooden Church in the name of Righteous St. John of Kronstadt. By 2005, built a warm Church, in which is recited the Psalms and holding services. In the summer of 2005, the monastery was officially registered; when he was ten sisters and mother markella. Here was the almshouse. Every day the sisters prepare food for the weak and homeless people.

August 23, 2007 was the consecration of the stone at the site of the newly reconstructed Church of the Saviour not made by hands. November 4, 2010 was held the first worship service in the name of the Kazan icon of the mother of God.

At the moment, recreated the Holy Gate, built walls and two refectories, and class singing, art workshop, a sacristan; built the utility service area restored Nursing corps, antique basement, electricity and plumbing. Further recovery is made possible by donations.

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