Assumption Church Photo: Church of the assumption

The assumption Church was built at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. The first written mention of it belong to 1851. It is known that it was originally consecrated as Holy Trinity Church and were in the power of the Pokrovsky monastery, located in current area of Alexander Pushkin. In mid-1815 the Church, equipped with the chapel of the great Martyr Barbara, was transferred to the territory of the assumption cemetery, formerly located on the site of the modern street Smirnova. In 1817 the consecration of the temple in honor of the assumption of our lady. Over time built of wood, the Church fell into decay and gradually became completely unusable. At the end of 1849 destroyed the chapel of St. Barbara the great Martyr. Finally the service ceased in 1883.

In 1904 at the initiative of Burylin – founder of the city Museum and famous industrialist – Church of the assumption moved from the territory of the assumption cemetery in new Posad. This is where the temple stands, and in modern times. To get permission for this action was very difficult, because it was necessary to deal with the archaeological society of Moscow. The temple was reconstructed, after which it underwent extensive renovations that significantly transformed the exterior and interior appearance. The Church was attached a small bell tower, the opening of which took place on January 15, 1906. In the style of the decoration of the bell tower is particularly noticeable influence of the modernist style, but despite this, she is perfectly combined with a classic ancient Church. At the end of 1906 when the Church built in wooden building was constructed parochial school, opened in tribute to the memory of the Manifesto of 17 October 1905.

Since the mid 1920's, the Church of the assumption was owned by the revisionist community. May 11, 1946, the Church passed into the hands of believers who decided to consecrate a temple in honor of the Kazan icon of the mother of God. Inherent in the interior of the temple began to be built up again; the iconostasis was brought from Shuya, namely from the once closed the old believer's Church. Many parishioners donated a large number of icons for a renewed Church. At first, the 1990-ies the Church of the assumption was in the possession of the Ivanovo-Kineshma diocese. Many years later, namely in 2007, she returned to the old believer community.

Judging on the Church from the point of view of architectural perception, it refers to the Kletsky type and the plan is extremely simple. As you know, there are many kinds of churches, built of wood, but the assumption Church closest to the type of houses. It has two crossing that was equipped with a particularly important alterations, which greatly changed the appearance of the temple.

Since its formation in the composition of the Church building consisted of a Central quadrangle, located on the East side of the altar, and the Western aisle. All these components had a rectangular form provided on the plan, and overlap pramocaine steep roofs, after which he teamed up with the open gallery. Roofing Central part of the gallery is crowned by a small gabled cupola. After some time, the gallery was lost. Later were built the new chapel, located on the West side, as well as the belfry and the transition to it. It is clear that the original details, like window and door openings, ceiling and floors are not reached our time. As to the original interior, it also has not survived. According to the first draft of all available internal space was divided among themselves by means of walls, but at the moment they are United in a shared spacious transept.

Today you can see old and share the surface of the great dome, located at the bottom. In the inner decoration of the temple remained an impressive collection of ancient icons, and many of them have much greater age than the building of the assumption Church. Many Holy icons of the Church are in the iconostasis, although a small number of them hung on the walls. The beginning of this collection put D. G. he Owned.

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