The Estate Of A. N. Vitova Photo: The Estate Of A. N. Vitova

The Estate Of A. N. Vitova is located in the heart of the city. It occupies a plot of rectangular shape, which stretches deep into the quarter. In the early 20th century the estate was owned by industrialist A. N. Wicovw.

In 1903 on the basis of an old building belonging to the second half of the 19th century Witow builds the main house; in the same period and built outbuilding. All outbuildings on the estate also refer to the beginning of the 20th century.

The main house and an outbuilding of their facades overlook the Avenue. Between them is the entrance to the courtyard, which has a perimeter buildings. Along the southern border of the estate are services, but rather services – outbuildings, yard from the East is closed stables with coach-house.

The Estate Of A. N. Vitova is a fairly rare example of a city Villa from the early 20th century, it has preserved its original appearance. All the buildings in eclectic style with a predominance of elements of the classical style of architecture. Today, the estate occupies a first aid station.

Main house is a two-story brick building with basement, plastered and painted in two colors. The building is distinguished by the harmony of proportions, literacy and restraint of decor. A little drawn out into the yard l-shaped volume covers a hipped roof. Over the edge of the roof from the street towering decorative bollards fencing and attic. The main facade of the building has an asymmetrical composition. More extended part of the building with a regular rhythm of five window openings, is balanced on the left by a risalit, which is emphasized as the corners of the house, rastiranii blades. The facades of the houses are surrounded by intermediate wide belt, which includes the window sill on the second floor and cornice with brackets to the rhythm of the window openings. The architraves of the ground floor Windows with keystones, and top with a bow-shaped pediment and cornice.

In the interior of the main house Central hall with staircase. All the other rooms are grouped around it. From the interior decoration of the building preserved the rustication of the walls in the lobby, figural cast balusters of the staircase, paneled doors, on ceilings – plaster fragments rods.

The outhouse is a two-storey brick building. The plan is rectangular, finishes as the main house, a gambrel roof. One-story volume was attached to it at the end of 1990-ies. Walls painted with two colors. The composition of the facades (street and yard) is symmetric. The symmetry of the main facade is emphasized by Attica and corner tables. Above the entrance to the outbuilding was once forged bow umbrella shape, anchored by the curly brackets. Intermediate wide belt that completes the cornice and trim close to the decor of the main house.

The internal layout of the wing is traditional and includes the center of the canopy to the stairs and living rooms around the sides. The railing of the staircase is decorated with moulded balusters. With the old times remained paneled doors.

Building services – a one-story brick, lengthened by a later extension to the East. On the right flank of the Northern facade of the rectangular volume of the building has a projection which is marked by a higher roof with a gable attic window. The angles of projection and buildings are fixed rastiranii blades, Windows with pediments framework and frames. Other walls of the building are split up by the blades, and rectangular Windows.

Stables with coach barn is a single storey building of brick, whitewashed facades with gable roof. Rectangular volume complicates beyond the courtyard of the East wing. The main facade is asymmetrical. His dismembered scapula into unequal parts, which houses a wide gate openings and different window sizes. Lintels to all openings are accentuated by edges with teeth. The crowning cornice is provided with a cantilever belt.

Economic structure – one story building of brick. His walls are plastered and then painted. The main facade dismember high openings with accentuated using a masonry arched bridges. The crowning cornice – multiple shelves.

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