Gadaladeniya Temple Of Viharaya Photo: Gadaladeniya Temple Of Viharaya

Having a reputation of being one of the best examples of Buddhist temple architecture, the Tourists Viharaya is definitely worthy to be among the main attractions you plan to see in Kandy.

The temple is located in Pilimathalawa, on the way to Kandy - Colombo and is famous for its beautiful stone carvings.

Filled with architectural style of South India, this temple was built during the reign of king Gampola Vikramabahu somewhere around 1344. Usually, these ancient temples as Tourists, Viharaya these days don't retain the charm, which was in the past. Little that comes to our days. But in this temple, you can still catch the stunning features of a Buddhist temple, which were conceived from the very beginning of its construction. For example, on entry doors, carved from wood, there remain remnants of paintings that are an integral part of the architecture of the temples in Kandy. Moreover, you should pay attention to the murals and images which give the temple its original appearance.

An important feature of the architecture of Buddhist temples is that they are carved from stone, and the Tourists Viharaya here is not an exception. The temple has a sanctuary with a statue of the Buddha inside and four standing Buddha images. But what makes the Tourists Viharaya truly special is its location on top of a hill, offering a truly stunning view of the surrounding areas.

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