The Monument To Anna Kashina Photo: The Monument To Anna Kashina

The monument to Anna Kashina is one of the newest monuments in Cascina. He was installed June 22, 2009, its solemn opening and consecration took place on 25 June. The author of the monument of the illustrious Saint was made by famous sculptor A. N. Kovalchuk. He also worked on the creation of a monument to Michail of Tver in Tver.

Anna Kashina is the patron Saint of the city. Anna became famous drama of fate (almost all of her relatives were killed as a result of strife). With her name also associated posthumous complex twists and turns: the battle of the schism in the 17th century led to the fact that the Saint was decanonization.

Anna was the daughter of Prince Dmitri of Rostov. In 1299 she married Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich, who in 1318, was executed in the Horde. In 1326 the Horde was executed and her son Dmitry, and in 1339 — another son and grandson. When Anna took the vows is unknown, but in about 80 years, it was mentioned under the name of nun, Sophia, most likely, she was abbess of the convent of St. Athanasius. In 1361 Anna Kashina donated to the monastery a few villages. In 1367, along with his son Vasily Mikhailovich, Prince of Kashin, she went to Tver and Kashin. That's where she died. Before his death, she took the schema again with the name Anna.

The remains of Anna of Kashin found in 1611 in the Church Kashin in the name of the blessed virgin. According to the legend, Anne Sexton appeared to Gerasim, first healed him, and then another few patients; after that her remains were venerated as saints miraculous.

In 1649 the local Council of the Russian Church decided to open the relics of Anna of Kashin, and the Princess was canonized in the Russian local Church. July 21, 1649 in the presence of the king, were inaugurated the relics of St. Anne. Her body was found incorrupt. In 1650 the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich again arrived in Kashin, then the relics of Holy Nobleborn Princess Anna was solemnly transferred from the Church of the Dormition Church in the resurrection Cathedral. In honor of Anna of Kashin by command of the king, the temple was built.

After congregational giving anathema "Raskolnikov" between believers and nevoobrazimo continued debate about clouds baptism. The old believers, confirming the greater antiquity of duperly, supported outdoor power Anna Kashinsky – the fingers of her right hand were stacked that way. In February 1677 in Kashin for approval [saints making sent the Commission, which examined the relics of the Princess and found a "disagreement" with the protocols of 1649 In the end, Anna of Kashin has declared unholy, and unworthy of her relics to worship. Power clouds the addition were buried, the grave was walled up so that traces of it left, the lid of the coffin was hidden in a different place under the floor. The Church in her honor closed.

But despite decanonization, Anna of Kashin continued to be venerated as a Saint. Tver bishops did not object to this; it was written icons, the recording was carried out healings held religious processions to the place of farewell to Mikhail Yaroslavich. In 1818 the Synod permitted to include the name of Anna in a calendar. In 1908, Nicholas II agreed to re-canonization of Anna of Kashin. In honor of Anna of Kashin, a temple was dedicated in St. Petersburg, which became the Kashin representation of the Sretensky monastery.

The relics of St. Anne, seized in the 1930s, were returned to the Orthodox Church in 1948 and was installed in Cascina at the ascension Church. After closing the relics of about a quarter of a century was in Peter and Paul's Church. Reliquary with relics returned to its former place on 25 June 1993

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