National reserve Yailata Photo: national reserve Yailata

Among the places that are fun to visit every tourist, who arrived in Bulgaria, undoubtedly it is worth noting the nature reserve (Zapovednik) of Yailata, located two kilometers from Kamen Bryag.

The reserve is situated on the picturesque 50-60-meter cliffs on the Northern black sea coast. This is the perfect place for those who are tired of the revelry of cities and resort want to briefly plunge into the atmosphere of calm in the bosom of nature.

Of Yailata is a favorite place of many ornithologists, because here begins the migration route of birds, the so-called "via Pontica". Here you can watch 180 different types of nesting birds.

The reserve is well worth a visit for those who want to enjoy the beauty of the Bulgarian nature. Especially beautiful in the Yailata in late April, around when peonies bloom. And in the summer with the height of the mountains you can see in the sea of dolphins. This built on the rocks special observation towers, from which a magnificent view of the entire area of the reserve.

Of Yailata is archeological reserve. On its territory, scientists have discovered ancient cave city, consisting of 101 dwellings. The age of the finding relates to the fifth Millennium BC. In the middle Ages in these caves housed a monastery complex. This is evidenced by preserved on the walls of the old Bulgarian runes, signs, crosses, icons. For lovers of archeology and history is of interest small early Byzantine fortress, located in the Northern part of the reserve. Partially preserved ruins of the gate, four ancient towers, cellar, tombs and sacrificial stones.

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