Architectural complex in the District Photo: Architectural complex in the District

Architectural complex in the District (behind the river Kineshemka) is represented by three churches — Spasopreobrazhenskiy, the assumption and the Nativity of Christ.

Spasopreobrazhenskaya the Church was built in 1694 by the townsmen person Lavrenty D. Tyurin. One of the chapels built by the parishioners in 1790, and the second means captain-Lieutenant Kupriyanov in 1898.

Assumption Church built in 1747, and next to her Nativity (winter) — in 1754. These monuments have survived a much modified form. Well preserved, only the entrance, fortified with four columns, a domed ceiling. The top of the main body of the building the two ends tapering octagonal zones.

On the market square stands a stone Holy cross chapel, set in 1744, at the expense of citizens. Earlier this place in a mass grave were buried the defenders of the city who fell in battle with the troops of the Polish invaders in 1609. Here put a wooden chapel, which was replaced by the present. She covered hipped roof with very pronounced cornice and is crowned with a stone octagonal tent roof. Fresco painting of walls and vaults, unfortunately, not preserved.

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Architectural complex in the District