Lake Balinsasayao Photo: Lake Balinsasayao

Lake Balinsasayao – one of two small but deep lakes located in the crater of the volcano at an altitude of about 300 metres above sea level, 12 km West of the town of Sibulan. The lake is located to the North-West a narrow mountain ridge between the four peaks mountains Mahungu, Elbasan, Balinsasayao and Gintaman House. Hotel is located near another lake, the beauty of which is breathtaking, to lake Danao. Balinsasayao, Danao and another small lake Cabalian are part of the national Park "Lake-Gemini", covering an area of 8016 hectares. the Park was established in 2000 by decree of the government of the Philippines.

Lake Balinsasayao affecting the diversity of ecosystems is one of the main natural attractions of the island Negros. The waters of the lake inhabited by many species of fish and invertebrates, including inside man, and dipterocarpus forest covering its banks, has become home to a huge diversity of birds and mammals. Centenarian trees, entwined vines, giant ferns, exotic flowers such as wild orchids, are typical of the ecosystems of the Park. Here you can still see the tree "ALMACIGA" - one of the highest in the Philippines, reaching 60 meters in height.

Tourists love this area for its excellent opportunities for swimming, fishing, boating, and also for taking walks, during which you can meet amazing animals, for example, an extremely rare Japanese night Heron. The Park is equipped with a toilet and a small dining area where you can purchase drinks and snacks.

Unfortunately, the areas surrounding the Park, are severely affected by the timber and coal industries. Uncontrolled logging and slash-and-burn agriculture practiced by local farmers, reduce the flow of water into the lake, resulting in lowering their level. That is why the protection of the national Park and conducting outreach to local populations is one of the main tasks in the work of the Park administration.

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Lake Balinsasayao
Mount Talinis
The Volcano Canlaon