The Cathedral Of The Dormition Photo: Cathedral Of The Dormition

One of the iconic sights of the city of Khabarovsk is the majestic Cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary mounted on the Cathedral square.

Church of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary appeared thanks to the parishioners of Khabarovsk, who would like to see in their city there was a temple dedicated to the great feast of the Dormition. In 1870, the Archbishop of Irkutsk has allocated a large sum of money for the construction of this temple. In the same year, the local authorities took the decision to build the temple.

The Cathedral was built for 15 years. During construction there were a lot of obstacles, but they only strengthened the faith of the parishioners. The author of the project of the Cathedral was made by engineer S. Bera. Managed all construction work of the famous engineer-Colonel V. Moore.

By 1887, the Cathedral with Golden domes became a real decoration of not only the city's main square, and Khabarovsk. At the beginning of the same year the Khabarovsk priests spent the first service. In December 1890 the consecration of the Cathedral of the Dormition. By 1905 he completed construction of all major parts of the temple – shining five gold domes were just blinded everyone around.

In 1930 the Cathedral was brutally sacked and almost completely destroyed. Was lost magnificent iconostasis, gorgeous icons, frescoes on the walls. In June 1930, the question was raised about the analysis of the temple to the liberation of the town square. In July 1936 was removed wide the hill, which formed the Foundation of the Cathedral, and in the early autumn of 1937 in the square was laid asphalt.

The revival of the Cathedral began 80 years. The temple was rebuilt. At the end of 2001 dome of the long-suffering of the temple shone once again on the banks of the Amur river. Former architectural style of the Church is embodied in the memorial chapel. The main sanctuary of the chapel is the icon of the Dormition of the virgin Mary.

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