The Church Of St. Luke Photo: Church Of St. Luke

On the area of Greek, in the centre of Kotor, lies the Church of St. Luke, which is one of the most famous attractions of this place.

Prince MAWR Kaafarani in 1195 built this Church, and to 1657 she was Catholic. During the war between the Ottoman Empire and Venetian Republic many Orthodox believers took refuge in Kotor, the city administration has allowed the refugees to hold in Orthodox Church services and ceremonies. It was at this time there appeared two altars: and Orthodox, and Catholic. This went on for about 150 years, until it started in Kotor French occupation.

Today, the Church of St. Luke Orthodox. A core value of the Church can be considered relics of St. Apostle Luke, the Holy martyrs of Orestes, the Mardarius and complications. Still, there remain some fragments of frescoes from the early 17th century and located near the chapel is not only a unique iconostasis, which depicts Jesus Christ as King, but also some frescoes of the Cretan and Italian painters of the early 18th century. Until the first third of the 20th century at the Church of St. Luke passed the disposal of residents of Kotor, so the whole floor of the Church is composed of those gravestones.

Today the temple is opened only on holidays and during the tourist season, and the rest of the time it is closed. An interesting fact is that in 1979, during the earthquake, the Church of St. Luke was the only building that was not damaged.

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