Armenian Cathedral of the Dormition Photo: Armenian Cathedral of the Dormition

Armenian Cathedral of the Dormition was built in 1363 by architect Doring. The architecture of the Church combines different styles: ancient, Roman Gothic and traditional Armenian. At the same time the Church was built the bell tower, but during the siege of the city by the Turks it was burnt, but was later restored.

The oldest part of the Cathedral – East, built in 1368-1370. In 1437 completed arcade in 1630 – the middle part. During 1631-1671 years the Armenian Cathedral was expanded and rebuilt. In 1723, the Church was changed externally: stone and brick walls covered with plaster, and in 1731 on the North side built a sacristy. Near the temple was built the chapel.

In 1908-1920, Francis Monchinskogo there was restoration and completion of the Western facade of the Church, the tower was decorated with mosaics, and the walls were painted by the artist Ian Henry Rosen. At the end of the XIV – XV centuries the interior of the Church were decorated with frescoes, executed in the style of ancient art. Some of them have survived.

Monastery courtyard on the North wall of the Cathedral from the opposite side limits the Armenian convent of the Benedictines, built in 1682. East yard associated with Baroque monastery gate 1671. This courtyard is called christoforov, as in its centre stands the commemorative column of St. Christopher of the eighteenth century. On all sides of the courtyard is closed by the buildings of the former Armenian Bank, the Archbishop's Palace, bell tower and apse of the Cathedral.

In the southern courtyard, located between the street and the Cathedral, the remains of an ancient cemetery – gravestones moved from other cemeteries dated to the FOURTEENTH and EIGHTEENTH centuries.

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