Ethnographic Museum house Aljustrel Photo: Ethnographic Museum house Aljustrel

Aljustrel is a small village on the outskirts of the town of fátima. Aljustrel became known because of the amazing events that is called the miracle of Fatima. It is in this village were born and lived Francisco March, Jacinta Marta Lucia DOS Santos - children who in 1917 the virgin Mary appeared.

Ethnographic Museum house is located in a house on the same street, where were located the homes of children who saw "the miracle of Fatima", as they call this phenomenon the virgin. The house-Museum is located next to the house, where he lived, Lucia DOS Santos, and previously owned godmother lucía. Since 1969, the building was a Center of regional Ethnography. After the house was purchased, renovated and opened as a Museum, the purpose of which was to show the way of life of the inhabitants of the village in 1917 and talk about crafts: weaving, tailoring shoemaking craft and the business. It should be noted that since the miracle of Fatima house on this street has not changed.

The Museum collection consists of paintings, which depict scenes from the life of the village of the late nineteenth century, including her three little inhabitants - witnesses of the miracle. Also among the exhibits are tools, household items, collected from the time when there was the miracle of Fatima, antique furniture, pots of earthenware and weapons of peasant labor. In the courtyard stands the current oven for baking bread and granary. Visitors can see the tools in the forge looked like at the time, the corral and the workplace of the bricklayer.

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Ethnographic Museum house Aljustrel