On the left Bank of the Nile is a white Villa is a Villa of Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III, the 48th Imam of the Muslim Ismaili sect. He was very fond of Aswan and bequeathed to bury him here.
From the Villa, up the stairs, you can go to a small building of mausoleum of the Aga Khan. Is the square building with small towers at the corners and surmounted by a dome. The tombstone is made of white marble and covered with elegant ornaments. At the head of the sarcophagus is a small vase with a rose. Every morning for many years, widow of the Aga Khan put in a vase with a fresh rose.
I can add descriptionMausoleum Of The Aga Khan
Nubian Museum
Granite quarries
The tombs of the nobles
Monastery of St Simeon
Botanical garden on the island of Kitchener
The Aswan dam
Elephantine Island
The temples of Philae
Abu Simbel