Freedom Park and the memorial border Guards Photo: Freedom Park and the memorial border Guards"

Memorial Border Guards "opened in Brest in the square Border on 27 June 1982. The memorial complex consists of a Central monument and eight inscribed stelae dedicated to the heroes of the border guards who died defending the state border of the USSR.

The Central stele is dedicated to all the heroes of the border guards who died during the great Patriotic war. On them fell the first and hardest hit by a sudden attack of fascist Germany. Inscribed steles dedicated to the heroes of frontier: Kizhevatovo Andrey Mitrofanovich, Novikov Alexey Alexandrovich, Kofanova Gregory I., Barsukov, Ivan Petrovich, Kublashvili M. Varlam, Zavidovo Alexander Abramovich, Belyaev Ivan Petrovich.

The memorial complex was reconstructed in 2001, collected by the staff and veterans of the border troops of the Republic of Belarus, as evidenced by a plaque with the names of the architects and sculptor, who worked on the restoration of dilapidated memorial.

The square Border is located in the Park of Freedom, which in the postwar period was transformed State municipal garden, also called as the garden of Fuss and Ohoven". Before the revolution there was a popular place for celebrations loving couples that were walking along the shady alleys and talked, sitting on the benches.

According to archaeologists, the city Park was laid out on the site of the mound of ancient Lithuanian pagan temple dedicated to the goddess Marzanna. Now around Soviet Freedom Park is a lot of debate – politicians, historians, officials will decide his fate, but for now you can enjoy the beauty of the old city garden with its shady paths and bow your head in front of the monument in the square of Guards – the people who fought for peace Soviet borders.

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Freedom Park and the memorial border Guards"
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