The Lviv art gallery Photo: Lviv art gallery

The Lviv art gallery is one of the most extensive and richest art collections in Ukraine. To date, the Museum has collected about 62 thousand samples of world and national art. Here you can admire the works of renowned painters, sculptors, artisans ranging from antiquity to our time. The most valuable exhibits are devoted to European art, samples of Lviv sculptures, icons and antique furniture.

The Museum building was built by the architect F. Pakutinskas, in 1873. According to the architect, the building is shaped like the English letter F and is built in neo-Renaissance style. Originally it was a country Palace of the wealthy aristocrats, but in 1914, it was rebuilt for the needs of the Museum.

The collection of the Museum consisted of works by Jan Matejko, purchased by the city Council with budget money. However, a more significant acquisitions of the Museum was the collection of landowner Yakovich, which he gave to the Foundation in 1907. This date is considered the Foundation of the Museum.

The Museum was developed and expanded, in his history and tragic events. So during the Second world war the Museum was removed 225 the most valuable exhibits in Germany. After the war, thanks to the cooperation with many world museums collection was replenished and in 1962 was $ 11 thousand exhibits.

A visit to the Museum will give you the opportunity to admire the best examples of world and Ukrainian art, to satisfy their aesthetic needs. The Museum is open every day except Monday. The complex also includes 16 small museums and departments, all of which will bring you lots of positive emotions.

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The Lviv art gallery
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The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
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The Museum of European art
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Museum of lard
The citadel
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The Water Park "Beach"
Shevchenko grove
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Archcathedral of St. George
Powder tower
High Castle
The Greek Catholic Church of STS. Elizabeth
The Greek Catholic Church of SV. Clement, Pope
Armenian Cathedral of the Dormition