The Church Of St. Roch Photo: Church Of St. Roch

The Church of Saint Roch in Lisbon – one of the first Jesuit churches in countries where they speak Portuguese. For over 200 years in the Church housed the Jesuit community until they were expelled from Portugal. After the earthquake in 1755, the Church and outbuildings were transferred to Lisbon house of mercy Santa Casa do Misericordia de Lisboa. The Church of Saint Roch in Lisbon was one of the buildings that remained virtually intact during the Great earthquake in Lisbon.

The Church was named after St. Roch Catholic Saint who was the patron of patients have severe disease, the pilgrims, and was known for healing people with the plague. The Church was built in the XVI century and was the first Jesuit Church built in the style of "the Church of audience-for of sermons. In the Church there were many chapels, most of them were built in Baroque style in the early seventeenth century. The most famous is the chapel – the chapel of St. John the Baptist of the eighteenth century.

In exterior and interior design of the Church used different architectural styles. The decoration of the chapels of St. Francis Xavier, Holy Family, and the altar visible traits of mannerism. In the early Baroque style built chapel of the Holy Sacrament, in the style of late Baroque chapel of our lady of Doctrine and of our lady of Piety.

Built in 1740 in the style of Roman Baroque chapel of St. John the Baptist is considered a unique masterpiece of European architecture. Worked on the project architect Nicola Salvi and Luigi Vanvitelli from Italy. The chapel was built in Rome for 8 years. Then, after the chapel was consecrated by Pope Benedict XV, it was moved to Portugal in three ships. Inside the chapel is decorated with precious mosaics depicting biblical scenes, such as the baptism of Christ and the day of Pentecost. The decoration of the chapel was made in the new Portuguese architectural style rocaille, where decorative elements such as festoons, garlands, angels, ornaments in the form of shell - combined with classical rigor.

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