Venetian courtyard Photo: Venetian courtyard

"Venetian court" in Ternopil called the courtyard of a large building on the corner of Shevchenko and Kachali. "Venetian" yard called for their distinctive design with arcade and portal with columns.

In 1893 opened here Polish Bursa and library "Society folk school" (Towarzystwa szkoly ludowej). In 1913 opened Podolsky Museum with four divisions: an ethnographic, historical, numismatic, natural history and archaeology (his exposition formed the basis of the current Museum). Later the building housed the women's gymnasium. Now the building houses the Office of education of the Ternopil city Council, and in the courtyard of the municipal police Department.

Today, unfortunately, the subject is in a very bad condition.

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Venetian courtyard
Historical and memorial Museum of political prisoners
Ternopil pond