The Museum of sewing machines Photo: Museum of sewing machines

The Museum of sewing machines is open only once a month, every first Saturday, but managed to get here a fan of vintage art will find untold treasures. The Museum has a sewing machine and everything connected with them, since about 1850.

A sewing machine is not an English invention, the hand then put more Americans, in 1845, Elias Howe received a patent for a machine with lockstitch, five years later, Isaac singer created the model, devoid of the usual design flaws, " she made him a rich man. By the beginning of XX century the company manufacturing sewing machines appeared in the United States, Britain, Germany has the most developed countries. It's perfectly natural: production of machines required high industrial culture, quality materials, extremely precise handling.

High-tech gadgets of the era, household sewing machines often off as works of art. Surface is lacquered and decorated with non-ferrous metals, mother-of-pearl. In the Museum there are, for example, a sewing machine, Queen Victoria among other things, gave the dowry of his eldest daughter. The device is richly decorated with British and Prussian Royal coats of arms (Princess Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise married Frederick, crown Prince of Prussia). On the needle plate – engraving of Windsor castle, oak pedal – with Imperial eagles. Boxes for needles, and instructions finished in blue velvet with gold monograms.

Just a small collection of the Museum, located on the ground floor of the Wimbledon company sewing machines (existing since 1945), more than 600 of the mechanisms of the XIX and XX centuries. Many of them are real rarities: there are devices of the Victorian era to art Deco, sewing machine that belonged to the (supposed) Charlie Chaplin, the famous zingaresca cars, the name of which has long been a symbol of precision and reliability. The plant zingaresca machines existed before 1917 in Russia, Podolsk – they produced up to 600 thousand copies a year.

The Museum does not hide the fact that many of the items are bought for pennies at flea markets. However, all devices are in excellent condition, though now Shea. Gorgeous wooden coasters for cars so good that former owners have often used them as exotic decoration of their homes.

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