Transfiguration Church Photo: Church of the Transfiguration

Transfiguration Church in Luban was built in 1994. The construction of this Church was truly national. As soon as it became aware that the persecution of Christian believers will not, in Luban arose spontaneously Orthodox community, which itself was elected warden and activists. People went from house to house, collecting donations for the temple, purchased building materials, themselves built the Church. The land on which they built the temple, was donated by local farm – there was a collective garden.

The first Church was wooden, it was later lined with brick, it was installed on the dome. January 19, 2000, the first Church burned down during the fire. In its place was built a brick Church in the pseudo-Russian style.

The first mention of the Orthodox Church in Luban refers to 1707. In 1863, in Luban wooden Church stood on the spot where now stands the city Council. When the Church established a parochial school. This Church burned down in 1941 during the battle with the German fascist troops.

Currently built the chapel of the Transfiguration Church, built Sunday school. The Orthodox community Luban lives an interesting life. In the Church is coming more and more young people and children. Despite his youth, Luban Transfiguration Church is famous far beyond the country. In it, pilgrims come to visit those who long ago left his native city. So, a native Luban Tatiana kucevic living in St. Petersburg, recently gave the Church of his native city, the icon of the Mother of God "I am with you, and no one shall be against you".

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