Farm Dayo Wasabi Photo: Farm Dayo Wasabi

Farm Dayo Wasabi is the largest farm for growing wasabi in Japan. Wasabi is cultivated here since 1915. In order to grow the first root, it took ten years and two hundred workers. The field area on the farm is 15 acres.

Wasabi is often called Japanese horseradish, but horseradish is a plant is not, although they belong to the same family. For its growing needs special conditions: considered to be of higher quality wasabi grown in cold running water for half the submerged state. The water temperature should be 10 to 17 degrees. Before becoming a seasoning, the root grows three to four years. A well-grown wasabi is quite expensive, so outside of Japan very often under the form of a paste of wasabi sell a mixture of mustard and dyes.

But in the restaurant on the farm Dayo you can try the most that neither is a real, well-grown wasabi (or hon-wasabi), and stores to purchase numerous products to add, including beer, chocolate, sausages, ice cream and juice. In the food consumed not only the root of the wasabi, but also the stems and flowers.

Several large fields of agriculture laid a network of small canals that deliver water to the plants. From may to October, the plant cover from the sun special leaves.

Farm Dayo Wasabi is very popular among tourists. On the fields arranged for them a special walking paths. Along the river you can see the water mill wheels, which were specially built for the film "Dreams" by Akira Kurosawa – the episode "village of the watermills". In spring and summer available for tourists boat trips along the river on rafts.

On the farm there is the Shrine, built in honor of an ancient hero Hachiman Dayo. He is the patron Saint of agriculture, which was named in memory of him. The farm also installed a stone statue of wasabi.

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