Catherine's Cathedral Photo: Catherine's Cathedral

One of the first and most important temples of the town meadows is famous Catherine Church. The temple was built in honor of the Holy great-Martyr Catherine of Alexandria, which was known as the heavenly patron of Catherine II.

The Empress issued a decree on September 10, 1779, about the beginning of work of the economic Board on the question of the erection of the Pskov province appointed in the city of meadows in the form of a stone of the Cathedral Church; the decree was ordered to give the position of the ruling city of the Governor – General-the Lieutenant by the name Sievers – six thousand, assigning the date of execution of the order in two years, from 1780. Today, not only the design of the Cathedral, but the estimates are, unfortunately, was never found. If we proceed from the terms of financing, the construction of the Church finally had to end in 1781, but construction was never completed.

Soon the question of the construction of the temple in meadows was raised again. The authorities decided to build a wooden Church. From 30 September 1782 at the Newspapers published the tender for the construction of a wooden Church, but soon decided to choose as the main building material is stone. In 1784 were allocated from the Treasury almost 24 thousand rubles, and in 1786 a stone Church was built. Information about the consecration of the Church not have survived as the name of the architect.

Famous lyricist of the 19th century K. sluzewski, travelling on the North-Western part of Russia in 1877, wrote a historical essay, in which he described Catherine's Church in meadows. Poet more than just hit a rather modest view of the Cathedral, although he was the most important in the city. The Church of St. Catherine is a stone Church with a single throne. As for its appearance, it is especially similar to the Protestant Cathedral, but something did not quite fit into the overall ensemble of buildings of the city. The temple is built on the banks of the river, towering over urban buildings in meadows. On the plan of 1841 on the facades of the building are presented corbels, and on the West facade there was a four-columned portico with a small bell tower. The Church porch has a pretty impressive form with some thickening at the bottom.

In 1858, in St. Catherine's Church caught fire, which was needed to strengthen the load-bearing function of the Western wall due to the presence of the bell tower. Separated the Cathedral rectangular fence with stone pillars.

Exterior of Church in the middle of the 19th century is represented in the drawings, V. Bolotov, where the temple appears after a great fire that broke out July 27, 1858. Soon after the fire it was decided to reconstruct the Church, including the construction of a new bell tower. Responsible for the project was appointed Bolotov V. A. Compiled the project was approved by the Novgorod Metropolitan Isidor, but most Importantly, the office of public buildings rejected it because of the inconvenience of the location. While the facade has become more majestic appearance, and August 2, 1863, the draft was approved and adopted. According to the drawings, temple volume expanded due to the small outhouses, but this was never done, because the temple was located too close to the river.

Probably due to poor soil originally the Cathedral of St. Catherine was erected a small, whereby the main emphasis on architectural design. That is why the temple is not completely devoid of expression, which was achieved monumental portico with large columns, a semicircular apse and classical plasticity pediment.

It is known that in the temple were valuable Pechersk icon of the mother of God, which was moved from the wooden chapel located five miles from the city of Luga, namely in Smarzynska area. The most famous priest of the temple was Laskin Andrei Filippovich, who has served for the benefit of the Church for about 60 years, and also conducted a Liturgy in the Church in the presence of Maria Alexandrovna, Empress and Tsar Alexander II.

Later, during the rule of Soviet power, the Church of St. Catherine was transformed into one of the cultural institutions that housed children's cinema "Rodina". In 1993, the Church was again consecrated and became operational.

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