The Archbishop's Palace Photo: the Archbishop's Palace

The Palace of the Archbishop Stanislav Bogush-Sestrenzevich – a monument of architecture of the late XVIII century. The Palace is a two-storey stone building built in the classical style.

After the partition of Poland in 1772 in the Russian Empire entered the land on which he lived about one million people of the Catholic religion. Empress Catherine II issued a decree on the establishment in Russia of the Catholic bishopric residence in the city of Mogilev. His head becomes Stanislav Bogush-Sestrenzevich – a prominent Catholic religious worker, educator and writer. Right Bogush-Sestrenzevich were confirmed by the Nuncio Giovanni Andrea Archetti, authorized by Pope Pius VI.

In Mogilev for the Bishop built a residence. Bogush-Sestrenzevich also founded in Mogilev printing and theological Seminary. In this printing printed scientific, official, educational, reference and fiction books. Here was first used for civilian Russian font.

In 1857, the former residence of the Archbishop there was a fire. As a result, the building was completely burned, leaving only a charred brick box. At auction these ruins for almost 20 thousand rubles bought by a wealthy merchant Shmerke Zuckerman. After reconstruction, the building was donated to the local Jewish community as a synagogue.

In 1925, despite repeated petitions filed by the Jews of Mogilev government, the synagogue, the Jewish community has selected.

In our time, the former residence of the Archbishop and the former synagogue coach of the Olympic reserve of the Republic of Belarus – here is the sports school.

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