The River Bojana Photo: The River Bojana

The river Bojana (Buna in Albanian) is located in the Western side of the Balkans, flows on the territory of two countries-Albania and Montenegro. The beginning of the river – known Skadar lake, located near the city of Shkoder, but she joins in the Adriatic sea. The length of the river is about 41 km. If we consider and the main river, which flows into Skadar (Morace), then the total length of the entire system is approximately equal to 183 km.

In 1852 a tributary of the river Bojana has become a Big Drin river that changed its course due to flooding. One of the features is that the flow of the sleeves more of the flow of the main river is almost 10 times.

After the release of the Albanian territory (20 km) the river Bojana becomes more tortuous. In the mouth it forms two branches, which create a kind of Delta, located on the island of Hell. This island is famous among those who like to spend time in recreational areas for nudists. In addition, unlike all other similar formations, it has the perfect shape of a triangle.

Among the unique features of this river to emphasise, as the passage below sea level in some places. In the case of strong southerly winds in the river Bojana gets sea water, and it is a cause of backflow. Locals for such a feature called the river the only one on the planet that can flow in both directions.

Delta Bojana is popular with the lovers of fishing in this region often come to spend time in a secluded backwater with a fishing rod in his hands. Along the river banks you can see a lot of stilt houses, inhabited by local fishermen. These homes rented for a modest fee to tourists in the period of the hot season. Also in the estuary there is a large number of fish restaurants, each of which has its own specific feature.

Located at the mouth of the river island Ada is famous for its scenery and very nice beach. The swimming season lasts in the time period from late April until November, because the input is very sloping. Furthermore, the sand is fine, quartz and shell has a mild radioactive effect, is rich in corals and many minerals.

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