The Church of Clement of Rome and Peter of Alexandria Photo: Church Clement of Rome and Peter of Alexandria

One of the surprising New Ladoga churches dedicated to Clement of Rome and Peter of Alexandria. The first annalistic sources describing St. Clement's Church, began recording, according to which in 1153 occurred the laying of the temple as the Cathedral. This event happened because of the Novgorod Archbishop Niphon. After some time, built of stone, the Cathedral was demolished and in its place was built a wooden Church. In 1703 the wooden Church was moved to Novaya Ladoga, because he was initially held in Ladoga.

In the period between 1741 and 1743 for years at the previous location of the wooden Church of St. Clement, Pope of Rome, and St. Peter of Alexandria was built of stone. The necessary funds were allocated noble established merchant Konstantinov Dmitry Rodionovich. The completion of the temple was made in the form of a small onion-shaped domes. The temple was equipped with a column-like bell tower. His consecration took place on 18 August in 1743.

A distinctive feature of the Church of St Clement was inherent asceticism external decoration, which was not typical for the Baroque period, dominant during the reign of Elizabeth. Today the gilded iconostasis, made of wood, as well as icons, especially valuable for its time, were lost. Failed to save and ancient temple, the image of St. Clement of Rome and icons of the Holy apostles Peter and two of the Martyr, which were written in 1761 according to the injunction of the Archbishop Sechenov Demetrius.

Wooden spire on the bell tower collapsed because the former by a severe hurricane in 1811, but during 1818-1820-ies was restored thanks to the efforts of the Church warden Yaroslavtseva E. E. – the new spire is now placed on the iron rafters. In the same period of time the decision was made to whitewash the Church, with warm domes of the Church of plated brass, the iron, after which they built a new crosses, gilded.

In the summer, in late July, the parish was visited Novgorod and St Petersburg Metropolitan Isidore Nicholas. In honor of this event by the architect and engineer K. V. Fortunatov was repaired the temple. Guidance on the work assumed by the warden carpenters and the priest Nicephorus Veronsky. For a small period of time the Church has changed considerably, at the same time were built the new altar and oak throne, and a fully updated built in the shape of a hexagon bell tower over the small part with a spire and a dome, located on the West side.

The Church received many donations, including gifts from the merchant Evseeva and the Duchess Kovrigina and expensive gift in the form of an altar cross from Princess Fedorova. The Church interior was designed by architect C. W. Fortunatelym, which amounted detailed sketches. Icons included in carved gilded iconostasis were painted by the artist Kolchin. June 30, 1878, the renovated Church was consecrated by Archbishop Dobronravova by Hermogenes.

In 1938 the Church of St. Clement was closed, although a huge number of faithful citizens were asked not to do so, the authorities did not succumb to their influence. Some time later, the building was converted into a city theater, although at first there should have been placed repair shops under the name "Lenggries".

Today nothing remains of the iconostasis, or the interior of the Church, because they were destroyed in the 80-90-ies of the 20th century. At that time the building of the temple worked the shop of the plant "Lamond", in the Saviour Church was the fish shop was Established in the mill. Thus, in the early 1990-ies of the room completely empty and began to deteriorate. Preserved only some fragmentary murals in the dome and on the dilapidated walls of the academic style painting of the Nativity, the assumption, St. Mary Magdalene, Christ Pantocrator, the Bodiless Heavenly Powers.

Currently the Church is not used.

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