Museum of Speleology Photo: Museum of Speleology

Museum of Speleology in the town of Chepelare is the only such Museum in Bulgaria and one of the few in Europe. Its history began in 1950, when the purpose of exploring caves in the Rhodopes – Ohlovely, Devil's throat, Yagodinska and others was created by the local caving club. In 1968, took place the opening of a small exhibition, which was submitted to climbing equipment, charts and tables, as well as pottery and bones found in the caves. In 1970 with the support of the National science Museum, Institute of Zoology, Sofia University " St. Clement Oreskog began the scientific study of the Rhodope caves. And ten years later was created a one of a kind on the territory of Bulgaria Museum of the Rhodope karst. In 1983 it was turned into a Museum of Speleology and Bulgarian karst.

The Museum has a principal Fund, including 9400 exhibits, a subsidiary Fund of 7100 exhibits, and the exchange Fund, numbering 170 exhibits. The Museum library is stored 730 volumes of scientific literature. Total exhibition area is 870 sq. meters. The exhibition includes the following sections: Surface and underground karst forms, Mineralogy, Geology and petrography", "Biospeleology", "Cave archaeology and Cave paleontology".

In the hall of Mineralogy, Geology and petrography" presents a collection of minerals found in the Rhodopes: cave minerals, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, etc. the Exhibition "Surface and underground karst forms" includes karst formations of the Triassic period, salt, gypsum, limestone, Jurassic, etc. Here you can also see the cave stalactites and stalagmites, cave pearls, crystals.

The Department Biospeleology" features a collection of samples of representatives of cave flora and fauna. Here is the 40 species of troglobionts – animals, permanently living in caves, and 10 species of cheiroptera (bats). In the "Cave paleontology" Museum visitors can see the remains of animals of the tertiary period: the teeth, the skull and the limb bones of the cave bear, the lower jaw of a leopard, teeth and upper jaw of the rhinoceros, the wild horse skeleton, etc. Collection "Cave archaeology contains about 100 exhibits from Paleolithic and bronze age, discovered in the caves.

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Museum of Speleology