The Museum of decorative arts Photo: the Museum of decorative arts

The Paris Museum of decorative arts is located in the West wing of the Louvre, and this is no accident: for centuries, the French lifestyle was considered high art.

This Museum is the only in France, representing the techniques and materials of decorative arts from the middle Ages to the present. In its funds approximately 150 000 exhibits, which visitors can see 6000 exhibited on the principle of chronology: Middle ages, Renaissance, XVII-XVIII century, XVIII-XIX century, art Nouveau, art Deco... and so on to the present day. There are also thematic exhibitions – tree, jewelry, toys.

Collection posted here in 1905, consists mainly of furniture, crockery, carpets, glass, jewelry, clothing. For all it's worth a look: France since the seventeenth century set the tone in the development of European decorative arts. Here was born the "Grand style" of Louis XIV, Versailles defined the role of decoration in the interior. France gave the world a sophisticated technique called the names of their creators, the cabinetmaker Andre Charles Boulle, Dyer Tapestry.

France could be called a well-conceived and manifested in all the little things decorative thinking, to strengthen the principles of which were attended by great creators. The dominance of modernism in the first quarter of the 20th century associated with the name of the genius of Le Corbusier. Mid century gives gorgeous ceramics Leger and Picasso, carpets and posters Dufy, Matisse stained glass. The interiors of the Paris airports, courtrooms, UNESCO, Paris House radio designed by outstanding decorators-applied scientists.

The Museum of decorative arts is an integral part of the nationwide organization of Les Arts Decoratifs (Decorative art), founded in 1882, after the Paris world's fair, for saving created in this field of works.

In the Museum you can see all the details to consider objects of different eras: hair tie, doll houses, the first mural. And next, for example – recreated the interior of a bedroom courtesan Lucy Emily Delaune, whose luxurious bed described by Emile Zola in his novel "Nana".

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