The Museum of romantic life Photo: the Museum of romantic life

The Museum of romantic life is near Montmartre, behind the arch of the gate of the house № 16 along the street Chaptal. If you look at her, you can see a beautiful garden, at the end of a long alley – like box mansion.

Here in 1830 was settled by the Dutch artist Ari Schaeffer, representative of the romantic movement in art. At one time he taught drawing to children of the Duke of Orleans, and he became king Louis-Philippe, invited him to his court. Thus, Schaeffer had numerous connections, his mansion quickly became one of the famous high society salons of Paris.

This house was regularly visited by the famous writer George sand, composers Chopin and Liszt, the poet Lamartine, artists Delacroix, Ingres, Gericault. Visited the salon Schaeffer writers Charles Dickens and Ivan Turgenev, the composer Gioacchino Rossini.

By Schaeffer's son-in-law was a famous scholar, historian and philosopher Ernest Renan, his work, "the Life of Jesus Christ" made a lasting impression on European society. Here, on the street Chaptal, was the Cabinet Renan. Controversial figure of the scientist, his fearlessness and colorful publicity has added to the attractiveness salon.

Now the Museum of romantic life is one of three literary museums in Paris (along with exhibits devoted to Balzac and Victor Hugo). The entire first floor is dedicated to the writer George sand, who has never lived here, but often spent time. In the early twentieth century granddaughter of the writer Aurora Lot-sand gave to the Museum a collection of things of his famous grandmother. One of the rooms reproduces the salon George sand in the estate of Nohant. Here you can see a real quill and inkwell writer, a medallion with a lock of her hair, the sand portraits and her family. Here's also a cast of the hand of Chopin made during the life of the great composer.

On the second floor you can see the interiors, which tells about the life of the court artist of the XIX century. The portraits on the walls and easels portray most of the beautiful ladies of that era – for example, the great Pauline Viardot, which was in love Ivan Turgenev. Rooms are decorated with beautiful trinkets, and fine furniture.

The Museum of romantic life was created by the descendants of Schaeffer and long remained private. In 1983 he became a state. The entrance is free.

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